O nama

Tim Agencije Chapter4 u Bosni i Hercegovinii čine stručnjaci iz različitih oblasti poslovanja sa iskustvom iz svih relevantnih oblasti komunikacija, kao što su PR konsalting, odnosi sa medijima, strateško planiranje, vođenje komunikacijskih kampanja, savjetovanje međunarodnih i domaćih kompanijia i vladinih i nevladinih organizacija, krizno komuniciranje.

Sinergija članova tima rezultira sveobuhvatnim poznavanjem tržišta, privrede, komunikacijskih tokova, kao i potreba menadžera i njihovih organizacija prisutnih na tržištu Bosne i Hercegovine. Chapter4 tim u BiH posjeduje izuzetne kontakte sa predstavnicima kako medija, tako i institucija koje imaju značajnu ulogu u formiranju javnog mijenja Bosne i Hercegovine.

Upravni Odbor

  • Severin Heinisch

    Managing Director / CEO

    Područja ekspertize: Odnos s javnošću, korporativne komunikacije, Brand PR i pozicioniranje.

    Relevantna iskustva (prethodni angažmani): Severin je radio na više management i konzultantskih pozicija u austrijskoj PR industriji, s velikim iskustvom u IT industriji, uključujući klijente kao što su IBM, Silicon Graphics, Autodesk, Sun Microsystems i drugi. Ima 15 godina iskustva u austrijskoj i međunarodnoj komunikacijskoj industriji, deset godina kao voditelj i koordinator međunarodnih PR projekta.

    Pozadina: Severin ima doktorat iz filozofije (PhD) na Sveučilištu u Salzburgu, te je predavač na nekoliko austrijskih i njemačkih sveučilišta, uključujući i predavanja o integriranoj komunikaciji i upravljanju projektima na sveučilištu Donauuniversität Krems.

  • Boris Beker

    Boris Beker

    Managing Partner

    Područja ekspertize: društvena odgovornost poduzeća, Korporativni PR, Event management.

    Ključne kvalifikacije (relevantne posebne vještine): Izvrsno poznavanje njemačkog, engleskog, mađarskog, bosanskog / hrvatskog / srpskog i drugih slavenskih jezika; interkulturalno upravljanje i organizacija; prezentacija i javna govorna sposobnost; pouzdanost i prilagodljivost.

    Relevantna iskustva (prethodne angažmani): Prije dolaska u Chapter4, radio je u nekoliko vodećih austrijskih PR tvrtki. Njegova dosadašnja iskustva uključuju više konzultantske pozicije u Austriji i srednjoj i istočnoj Europi, kao i dodatni korporativni poslovi za razne organizacije diljem srednje i istočne Europe. Pored toga, Boris je radio kao voditelj odnosa s javnošću za tvrtke u nevladinom sektoru.

    Pozadina: Studirao je na Sveučilištu Bečkog instituta za novinarstvo i komunikologiju, gdje i danas predaje.

  • Raluca Ene

    Raluca Ene

    Managing Director, Rumänien

    Fields of expertise: Strategic Consultancy, Corporate Communication, Employer Branding, Brand PR.

    Relevant experiences: Raluca Ene is a public relations specialist with over 12 years of professional experience. She is focused on strategic consultancy, corporate communication and employer branding, as well as brand PR, while developing excellent contacts with top-level media and opinion leaders in the current business and economic sectors. She has in her portfolio large clients in industries such as IT&C, home&garden, retail and FMCG, among which there are the Romanian subsidiaries of Xerox, Stihl, Schneider Electric, Roca, bauMax, Muller, Lactalis, Intermarche, Ericsson, HP, Ubisoft, Plaut, Ixia, Lufthansa, Gedeon Richter, as well as local companies such as Farmec and NGOs.

    Background: Raluca is currently enrolled in an EMBA program at Maastricht School of Management. She has a Master’s degree in Strategic Marketing from the Romanian Academy of Economic Science, as well as a BA in Public Communication from the Bucharest University. She has also attended several management and marketing courses and is a certified trainer.

  • Todor Stojcevski

    Todor Stojcevski

    Managing Director, Mazedonien

    Fields of expertise: Public Relations and Event Management.

    Relevant experiences: Todor Stojcevski has worked for many newspapers and magazines as a jounalist and gained PR experiences in several Public Relations agencies. Todor is the establisher of the Macedonian web site Zurnal, the top-media platform for information about politics, economics, culture, health, local governments, etc.

    He is a Management Board member and co-founder of the first Macedonian PR non-government organization PRAM (Public Relations Association in Macedonia) as well as a member of MABA (Macedonian-Austrian Business Association).
    He is the author of the master thesis "The media and post-conflict peace building”: the role of the newspapers in the actions for disarmament“, the research "Romany media" - Research for Foundation, Open Society Institute (SOROS), "Peace journalism - the value-oriented profession" - a paper published in the Proceedings of the Faculty of Law – Skopje as well as the editor and author of "Annual bulletin of the Civic Platform of Macedonia". He had been awarded with three different journalist awards from the United Nations, in 2004, 2005 and 2006.

    Background: He holds a master of science in peace media development from the University of Skopje.

  • Adnan Burazerovic

    Managing Director, Bosna i Hercegovina

    Rođen 16.10.1971. godine u Sarajevu, gdje se i obrazovao. No, kako “čovjek uči dok je živ” i dalje radi na svojoj edukaciji na polju odnosa sa javnostima i komunikacija. Pored maternjeg govori još i engleski jezik, ali i u Njemačkoj, Italiji i Francuskoj neće “ostati gladan”. Radnu karijeru započinje kao mlađi saradnik na radio-stanici “Sarajevo 202”.

    U toku rata radi kao urednik na radio-stanici ISV, te kao novinar na RTV “Studio 99”. Po okončanju ratnih sukoba postaje dio redakcije najtiražnijeg dnevnog lista u BiH, “Dnevni avaz”. Klasični novinarski put završava kao novinar na TV OBN i prelazi u poslovne vode.

    Prvi angažman imao je u marketinškoj agenciji SV-RSA, a nakon toga redaju se veliki poslovni izazovi: Brand Manager Sinalco za BiH, Producent UFA Media, rukovodilac PR&Consulting odjela u nekim vodećim specijaliziranim bh. kompanijama kao i CEE mrežama. Hobi su mu automobili i automobilizam što je pomalo zapostavio zbog akademskih obaveza. U sistemu Chapter Four Communications Consulting je od samog osnivanja.

  • Milena Avramovic-Bjelica

    Executive Director, Serbien

    Fields of expertise: Fields of Expertise: Corporate Communications, Integrated Communications and Positioning, with a special focus on ICT industry.

    Relevant experiences: Milena held several management and senior consultancy positions in Serbia and has unrivaled communication experience in the fields of information technology and telecommunications, in the Serbian market.

    Her forceful practice and know how includes project management with top international and Serbian organizations, as well as close cooperation with clients such as HP, Ericsson, SAP, RATEL, Telenor, Intracom, Samsung, Ministry of Economy and Regional Development, Swiss Agency for Development and Reconstruction, Whirlpool, Lufthansa, etc.

    Her prior work engagements included years of experience in graphic design, pre-press and engineering positions as a tools constructor and product technologist.

    Background: Milena holds a degree in Mechanical Engineering from the Belgrade University and has been a regular participant in key European and regional communication conferences, as well as those hosted in Serbia. She is an active member of the Female Business Association and the Serbian PR Society, as well as the pioneer in its Online Section, being a part of it from its creation.

  • Tamara Bekcic

    Tamara Bekcic

    Managing Director, Serbien

    Fields of expertise: Corporate Communications, Financial PR, Brand PR and Positioning.

    Key qualifications: Excellent language skills across English, intercultural project management; presentation and public speaking skills; reliability and adaptability.

    Relevant experiences: Tamara has a decade of dynamic management consultancy and communication experience primarily in the Serbian PR industry, but also in the region. She holds management and senior positions for years with a proven track record of establishing and positioning strong PR teams in the market and winning a number of prestigious awards.

    Tamara has a strong background in financial PR projects such as acquisitions (e.g. take-overs, privatizations, capital increase), crisis management and IT industry over the years, with clients like Citigroup, Danone, Dr.Oetker, HP, Lufthansa, Ministry of Finance, Raiffeisen Investment, SAP, Telekom Serbia, Telenor, Vip mobile, Wiener Städtische, etc. In addition, her work experience includes NGOs and teaching and communication trainings.

    Background: Tamara graduated at the Belgrade University (Faculty of Philology, Anglistics) , possesses Cambridge Proficiency in English, as well as a number of communication and management certificates and diplomas from Serbia, Slovenia and Croatia. She is a member of the Serbian PR Association and the Lobbyists’ Society.

  • Anelia Milkova

    Managing Director, Bulgarien

    Fields of expertise: Marketing, Public Relations, Corporate Communications and Event Management

    Key qualifications: Excellent language skills across English, intercultural project management and organization; presentation skills; reliability and adaptability. 

    Relevant experiences: Anelia has vast experience in the sphere of Marketing and development of PR and Branding Strategies for multinational companies such as Aurubis Bulgaria, Hewlett Packard Enterprise Bulgaria, AbbVie, Lufthansa, HP, Siemens, Phoenix Pharma Bulgaria, DB Cargo Bulgaria, Axxon, Melexis, etc. She works actively on strategic consulting and planning, new customers acquisition and strategy development. Through the years, Anelia has demonstrated a very good understanding of all stakeholders and decision-making process and strong analytical capacity.

    Over the past four years as a result of the management of Anelia and the hard and purposeful work of the whole team, Chapter 4 Bulgaria enjoys a well-deserved recognition, winning numerous awards at prestigious competitions for PR and communications, such as European Excellence Awards, Eventex awards, Gold SABRE Awards and PR PRIZE (the most prestigious recognition in Bulgaria, awarded by the Bulgarian Public Relations Society).

    Background: Anelia holds MSc in Industrial Management from the Technical University Sofia and a Diploma from London PR School.

Chapter 4 Grupa



The best campaign of Chapter 4 Bulgaria in the category National and regional campaigns "Balkans"

2016 PR Prize Awards

Best CSR project in Bulgaria: “Earlybaby.info – Everything for the premature babies” with AbbVie Bulgaria

2016 PR Prize Awards

Special Corporate PR  award of the Confederation of Employers and Industrialists in Bulgaria: “Official presentation of Investment program Aurubis Bulgaria Spectrum 2018” with Aurubis Bulgaria

2015 Best PR Agency

Award of the Serbian PR Association, in the category of medium-sized agencies

2015 PR Priz Award

Best Non-Profit Campaign in Bulgaria:  “The biggest heroes are the youngest ones” with Abbvie Bulgaria

2015 Gold SABRE Awards

Finalist for the Balkans for the campaign : “The biggest heroes are the youngest ones” with AbbVie Bulgaria

2014 Best PR Agency in Eastern Europe

International SABRE Award

2014 PR Prize Awards

Award in category PR project for internal communications for the  Program  “Live a Healthy Lifestyle” with  Aurubis Bulgaria

2014 Eventex awards

People’s choice event award for campaign “The biggest heroes are the youngest ones” with AbbVie Bulgaria

2014 Fastest growing agency

Best Performing Romanian PR Agencies

2014 European Excellence Awards

Best Campaign Award for Bulgaria, Romania, Croatia, Slovenia, Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia-Herzegovina:  “The biggest heroes are the youngest ones” with AbbVie Bulgaria

2014 PR Prize Awards

Special award of b2b Magazine for Green communication and urban environment “The Green Project” with  Aurubis Bulgaria

2013 3 Certificates of Excellence

SABRE Awards - best viral video, best campaign in the Balkans, best PR in PR

2013 PR Prize Awards

Special Event Award “Christmas on Ice 2012” with Siemens Bulgaria

2012 European Excellence Awards

Finalist Best Newcomer PR Agency Network in Europe

2011 Corporate Communications Award

Ericsson journey, awarded by the Serbian National PR Association

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