Share football passion
As part of the donation intended for all elementary schools on Bosnia and Herzegovina territory, MARBO delivered on May 15 in Bosanska Gradiška (Elementary school „Vasa Čubrilović) and on May 22 in Mostar (Center for Children and Youth with Special Needs "Los Rosales"), the first donation of football, volleyball, basketball and handball balls. In the framework of the Chipsy brand campaign "Show football passion", more than 15,000 balls will reach all elementary school pupils in the region, and therefore to pupils throughout Bosnia and Herzegovina. The donation is realized with the support of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Federation of BiH and the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Srpska.
The goal of the donation is to popularize sports among elementary schools pupils and to encourage the growth and development of children on the principles of healthy lifestyles, as well as the prevention of obesity among school-age children.
This is one of activities that the company will implement to help children spend more time in outdoor activities or sports, all to prevent obesity, in both, children and adults.
In addition to elementary schools in the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Marbo Product will send the same kind of donation to all elementary schools in Montenegro, and this activity has already started in Serbia. In this way, all the elementary school pupils from the region will have the opportunity to actively engage in physical activities and team sports.